this is so exciting! i'm in awe of what we are watching go down. potus is openly declaring that the "fake news" (propaganda machine) is the #1 enemy of WE THE PEOPLE.
they have been so brilliant and tactful. imagine the undertaking this has been. To take out the evil while fully understanding the level of mind control ("govern mental" look into the etymology) that's been in power for so long.
if any of you anons are not convinced that this is an old battle, look into what lincoln thought about the banks, look up old jefferson's quotes on the banks, andrew jackson… ben franklin. i mean, how far back should we go, the nazi's… JESUS, the Prince of Peace going into the temple and driving the BANKERS out with a whip!
i feel like i've gone back in time in an alternate reality and am watching a pure hearted person rise up and democratically beat hitler in an election and then taking down goebbels and his goons
except this time, it's not just the Jews being saved. IT'S THE WHOLE WORLD
And we have been given the incredible honor of not only knowing things before they happen but being an integral part of the overthrow of EVIL.
the Q team (who ever they are) in their brilliant patience and LOVE slowly built our confidence and prodded us into greater and greater action. and now WE HAVE MADE THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE ACKNOWLEDGE US (WE ARE Q)
and now the clowns are doomed for sure. why do you think they kept ignoring us? because they know that they can't contain us. they are scared of WE THE PEOPLE and scared they should be. now Q is in the spotlight and he/she/they/we are fully loaded and ready to fight.
anons, i love and appreciate you all.
Q and POTUS, you have my highest respect and heart felt appreciation.
Clowns, your time has come. repent and plea for forgiveness. i guarantee it's your best option.