Anonymous ID: ee2d1d Aug. 3, 2018, 7 p.m. No.2441605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

as newfags come aboard or screen shot from here and transfer to Twitter or FB, Don't Dox yourself because it is dumb AF! (((they))) want to get real life people to intimidate or kill to speak out against Q/Trump.Why the Fu@k would you believe you have a Deep State enemy and then show them the red carpet to your life? Settle down your energy and redirect it into to helping us instead of acting in the moment of excitement and pride. You hurt all of us if you act on the feeling of pride. WWG1WGA so don't decide for the rest of us that you are going to out yourself and speak on our behalf! Dig , meme, or spread. Keep your names and faces to yourself!