URGENT: The MEMO Is Only a Distraction . . . Do Not Be Fooled
If released, it's being released on Friday. So it can be buried over the weekend to make way for more "breaking" news.
This memo may cause ripples on Faux News, but let me remind you that Trump is a key player.
And if it does become a thing, no major player will fall.
Mark my wordz: no Bush, Clinton, Obama, or Trump will take a fall.
The elites are laughing in your face.
All. The. Way. To. The. Bank.
Sean Hannity Has Been Advising Donald Trump on the Nunes Memo
"President Donald Trump is at odds with his own chief law enforcement officers over a controversial memo fueling Republican allegations of a conspiracy against the Trump presidency. But by all indications, the president is less amenable to the concerns of his own FBI than those shared by a less formal, more bombastic adviser.
That adviser is Sean Hannity, who has been hyping the so-called Nunes memo all week, and with whom the president continues to speak regularly."