It, at the least shows communication between certain parties at a certain time, I guess.
You're not being ignored, anon. Just nothing to tie it to, yet.
I don't doubt it. I just wonder where him threatening to resign over the information he had on her, fits in.
A lesson in NEVER refreshing the page, and archiving each and every bread YOURSELF.
At the least, way too much is being deleted. Not only is the board becoming akin to a nanny state, its fucking up the breads. People going back to old breads and leaving comments in newly created space from hours or over a day ago.
I really hope you made a error in tagging me to respond to, because I didn't say the fucking board was comped, you illiterate, ingrate, nigga, faggot.
And the spititual/biblefags are early. Looks like they're mixing it up a bit to throw us of their stench.