Liberals: we dont want anyone meddling in our election
also Liberals: We oppose voter ID, and we oppose purging/updating voter rolls
Liberals: we dont want anyone meddling in our election
also Liberals: We oppose voter ID, and we oppose purging/updating voter rolls
Has Jim Acosta recovered yet from being flipped off and having people chant "CNN sucks"?
That made me laugh my ass off
I think Imperator Rex is definitley /ourguy/
Lol yes liberals oppose ID to vote. They think its racist (they dont want to lose the illegals voting)
The "Q is a larp" shill tactic is beyond useless. Everyone is awake to the bullshit happening in our country and government. Its not about Q, its about being awake and watching what is happening, so the shills cant stop the movement anymore
Can we put the Sean Spicer thing to rest please. If "LESS THAN 10" people can confirm Q, a temporary press secretary is not going to be one of those less than 10
Yep agreed. To people like us, we are just waiting for the house of cards to fall
""Donald Trump’s Attacks on the Press Are an Attack on Democracy
The president is trying to construct an alternate reality where he alone tells the truth.""
These fuckin liberal newspapers ^^
Exactly! And thats why I dont waste hours and hours trying to decode every Q post (SerialBrain2). Most of them arent for us to figure out, but clues for us to research and get familiar with. The shits gonna happen whether we figure out what the missing "R" in a Trump tweet is or not, or what the delta is between a Q post and Trump tweet, etc
Oh absolutely. They are just comical to me
Is there some truth to the 20 redacted FISA pages being released next week?
So when does John Huber step out of the shadows with his hammer of Thor?
Before midterms?