Sean Spicer 100% confirms Q is fake, Qsers on suicide watch
>>Israel for last
Israel first. Layoff Wictor
Sean Spicer 100% confirms Q is fake, Qsers on suicide watch
>>Israel for last
Israel first. Layoff Wictor
kekekek. meme it!
yes, thank you! compiling a list. People wonder how Wictor knowsbso mu h about Middle East geopolitics lelel. they teach u that in Mossad
retweets are not endorsements
Mods deleted his answer the first couple times. and then posted as him. chexk the site Q used to see deleted posts
Corrext. Thank you, added
Nice man! Glad to know he's on the team, not gonna lie I followed stealth jeff and wictor for a while, took me a lil while to realize they were limited hangouts and likely paid by Mossad. so obv been skeptical of people they chat with like IR, but does seem solid
So Wictor is projextinf his furry fetish on others. Interdasttting. I dare ann Anon to ask him for sauce. He will hve nothing and then u can prove he's a furry fag
I like Bill. I used to think he followed so blindly, but has been right about almost EVERyTHING. i remember before Q WHEN there was no arrests or when missles in Syria i was in serious doubt. He's prob a good follow for normies too.
Anyone know if this is for Huber's investigation?? Pic related.