Jams for muh bread
I'm really starting to comprehend finally
Just how
these bastards are right now
all big talk aside, all I'm untouchable gone
invincible magic voodoo shit not working
big time connections disappearing
funds vanishing
marching orders drying up
higher ups, visibly scared sick
These bastards are scared shitless
They know the jig is up
They knew the day would come
But they hoped it was farther down the road.
But it's here, and they are really really scared.
If I ever meet POTUS
I'm going to ask him to have Miller stop shitting up the boards with his hunk selfies.
It's just too much at this point.
You don't take the schools back from Cabal.
We'll deal with this shit all over again when we're to old to deal with it.
I've squacked about this for months Q
Make some moves on these Universities!
Control the minds of youth = control of our future
This one goes out to all the OldFags from September!!!!!
Jams for your Bread!
You forced my hand
This one goes out to the Night Shift!
All you crazy fags that don't have a sex partner to please, or you'd just rather but up all not shit posting fight SICK bastards and supporting Q-topia!
There's not a lot of new digs going down
That's for sure
We have the scope the frame of the big story
We know who major players are
We know what's coming for them
Right now what's our job?
Educate normies
Prepare peeps for this coming fall
Indictments 45k that alone will cause a backlash (maybe)
Make memes of what we already know
post them!
Shit post them here