Has this link that Q sent been deleted from archives
He's making the claim that Comey, et al have already been disgraced. Don't dig too deep. Typical Trump style to state things matter-of-factly even if they're speculation on his part. Part of his charm
anon, do you have a synopsis to explain the connections?
If not, I might recommend making one and then posting that along with the pic to https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2178691.html
We will use it as material for Executive Summaries.
Thanks in advance
Anon, you are good at archiving explanatory memes:
Do you fully comprehend the explanations of each meme? Are you able to write short summaries of the conspiracies behind each?
Would you be able to add them to here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2178691.html
Ok, if you want something more comprehensive theme which is also an easy argument for normalfags to understand: How do politicians make so much money when their salary is too little? Remember Q pots about Maxine Waters, etc.? Your meme here: >>2442881 is a simple explanation of that. If you can write a quck summary and add citations (like a wikipedia page) and then do a couple more for someone like Maxine, etc., then that would be GREAT.
Thanks anon
Winner of the movie suggestion contest from last bread is "Caged No More"
I feel ya bro. It perturbs me to no end that there is not Public Disclosure at this point.
My suggestion is to bitch about it on this board until it happens.
>Insider trading is legal for Congress/senate
That's a legit point. A meme and brief explanation in words with a link to maybe where it is written in law would be a good wake up to normalfags
>Has this link that Q sent been deleted from archives
No comments on this post? Is everyone asleep?