This land is your land
This land is my land
Which wolf
Will you feed?
Which wolf
Will you feed?
This is where
We all come from
Oh, there's contemporary evidence alright
For a dozen or more Jesuses
All in roughly the right place
And roughly the right time
Doing roughly the right things
Except not any one of them fits the whole story
This is what you call a syncretic character
Which seems to me to be poetic justice
For a syncretic religion
Worshiping the one god Aten
And the son of god Osiris
And his mother Isis
The holy trinity
But the Jews know the truth
It is written in the Babylonian Talmud
Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier and a whore.
It's true.
The soldier was named Julius Caesar
And the whore was Queen Cleopatra of Egypt
Who had sex with Julius for political reasons
Thus earning shekels for her services
She gave birth to Caesarion
Who eventually wandered off to Northern India
Where he studied with the fakirs and rishis and sadhus
Until he returned to his land of Roman Egypt
Now called Judea
And he kicked the money lenders out of the temple
Because in India he learned what real temples were about
And you know the rest, more or less
Except that after he left the tomb
He returned to Northern India
And lived his days out in a temple
His name, Isa is recorded in the Quran
And in the temple in india