Manafort trial tied to Q's 5:5?
"5:05 p.m.: Accountant made call to help Manafort with loan"
Bookkeeper's testimony - A questionable loan bared his signature.
Notably, the loan document bore what Laporta said was Manafort’s signature. That is important because defense attorneys have sought to blame financial malfeasance on Gates, and much of Laporta’s testimony has focused on her interactions with him. Manafort’s signature would link him directly to the episode.
Laporta testified she did not believe such a loan actually existed, because the first she heard of it was in a September 2015 conversation with Manafor’ts business partner Rick Gates. She said she asked Gates for documentation of it, and he provided just two pages, apparently documenting a March 2014 loan agreement between DMP International and a company called Telmar Limited. Prosecutors have alleged Telmar is a Cyprus company that Manafort controlled.
One document, which prosecutors called an “adjusted trial balance,” showed how Manafort’s business, DMP International, initially made no reference to the $900,000 loan he would later claim on his taxes. But in a column for adjusted items, the $900,000 loan appeared. To support the change, an item initially listed as $900,000 in “other income” was reclassified as a loan in the books at Manafort’s business, Laporta testified.