To the baker that handed off this bread:
I have 3 questions for you, if you can address them when you have time.
1) Are you the baker that made either of these sets of posts during bread 3009?
> 525b3a
>>2387423, >>2387447, >>2387464, >>2387512, >>2387569, >>2387612, >>2387751, >>2387783, >>2387821, >>2387908, >>2387983
>>2387788, >>2387797, >>2387812, >>2387850, >>2387865, >>2387870, >>2387877, >>2387900, >>2387932, >>2387959, >>23880122) Do you agree femfagging subverts the integrity of our culture, as stated in our README Welcome?
3) Have you ever femfagged as a baker, or promoted/supported femfagging as a baker?
We are trying to reveal possible clowns causing internal disruption either impersonating bakers or infiltrating as bakers. They are deceiving many well-meaning anons, driving away autists/diggers, and some of us are trying to shed light (evidence) on these actions. Besides falsely accusing other bakers of wrong-doing without providing sauce, they promote femfagging, self-doxxing and normie slides.
Bread 3009, in particular, showcased these subversive behaviors. They engaged in a tag-team assault that was called out by many anons & the baker. The next night, I called one of them out on it. On bread 3035, she at first falsely denied it. After being presented with evidence, she admitted to it, including the femfagging, encouraging self-doxxing, and using her baker status to endorse those behaviors on 3009.
During the breads after 3035, next baker was accused of stating femanons only lurked. If you review baker’s statements, you’ll see that’s a lie. Baker never said fems don’t contribute or shouldn’t. This is consistent with README/Welcome. Baker stated that IDEN as fem is the problem, not BEING fem. If you wish to levy this false accusation against that baker a second time, please provide sauce.
I apologize for sliding from research, but the only way to ask questions of known bakers w/o IDEN is to ask an anon who has been IDEN’d as a baker by BO/BV at handoff. It is necessary if we are to secure our base, and prevent even more drama. I will not eat up this or any bread with back-and-forth arguing, only pose questions and provide sauce if needed, no more than 3 posts over the course of 2 or 3 breads. You anons, however, will/should do whatever the hell you see fit. It’s YOUR base, DEFEND IT. There’s a time for peace, but there’s never a time for cucking. That’s what Q/POTUS means by PEACE THRU STRENGTH.
TY baker, anons