Just a note to clockfaggots, why do you think some sort of broken form of magical scrying into a fucking theory clock that hasn't been confirmed or used to confirm anything is going to find a LOGICAL correlation with the Q crumbs? I'm honest, in what way does the clock have any validity so far, other than looking like a bunch of attempts at magic?
Nah you stupid faggot, explain to be the origin of the clock theory. If the origin of it cannot be confirmed therefore the entirety of it is a CIA nigger psy op to distract and derail.
Nice come back.
These niggers are delusional as fuck, in the drops with any reference to THE CLOCK. No where does it state to place the fucking tweets and graphics on some random ass fucking clock. If anything it looks like Q is suggesting that reference to THE CLOCK is just a term of phrase as in Timeline or when it happened, etc etc.
Just like with Think Mirror, it is just a double meaning to say make Side by Side graphics.
Think of it this way, Q wants us to put together in Chronological order the events side by side with the crumbs.
It's literally so simple, Create a timeline of events side by side with the Graphic.
Remember that this is a dissemination of information project. By creating the timeline of events side by side with the graphic, the picture created by it can be distributed to tell the story of what Q team has been doing behind the scenes. It is basically an epic story that we are piecing together.
Do you understand the importance of the Graphic? And why the Graphic is important for painting the full picture?
We are tasked with finding the information and events that will lead the viewer into understanding the depth of corruption that we are uncovering.
Think alternative news network, we create a timeline, side by side with the graphic to paint a full picture of the story that has been unfolding and not being covered by the MSM.
This full picture is then distributed across the web and is saved offline to prevent it's deletion. It would be the ultimate redpill, an epic story that details the events taking place behind the scenes and being foreshadowed and highlighted by Q team.
There is this schizo guy who keeps talking to the bot and calling BO/BV an AI and shit.
BO/BV checked his IP hash and post history I would assume.