Gooooood mornnnnnniiiinnngg Vietnammmmm!!!
Gonna come at this in a round about way. The upshot is this. I thought we were nearing the event horizon and I've learned we haven't broken through earth's low atmosphere. And please, no flat-earth replies…it was simply an analogy. People have to chill the fuck out and stop taking shit so literally.
Just read an article on Zero Hedge about this cray cray Asian bitch named Sarah Jeong, recently hired as an 'editor' by the New York Slimes, whose past social media history continues to grow more embarrassing by the day. When the Daily Caller and others began researching her prior online posts it was run of the mill anti-male (is that misogyny or is there another term?), and anti-white hatred. Now the piece of shit has been exposed for her anti-cop and other rhetoric. The cabal is cornered. If they don't fire her (Roseanne anyone?), they will continue to look like the fucking biased rag they are. When they let her go, and they will have to, their base on the lunatic-left will do a vagina dance and other triggered behaviors. Some brave graduate from Evergreen College might actually cancel her subscription. Though the "paper of record" no longer has any credibility with me, and hasn't for ages, normies will start to feel conflicted. You can't scream about Trump and hire, as an 'editor' no less, someone doing the exact thing (or worse), that you're complaining about.
A long winded prelude to my point, which is this: every 4th or 5th comment left was by some variation of a moo-jooer. All copy/pasta bullshit, but muh joos are destroying the world nonetheless. Everything from history of the jewish Bolsheviks, rothschilds, "Israeli-firsters" and anything in between. It's obvious that those leaving those posts feel it's energy better spent there than here, which is my point exactly. Not to rebut the bullshit, which I'm happy to do, but to point out that the focus is on a more mainstream counter-culture site than here. Do I find it utterly laughable that a story about a discredited paper hiring a discredited editor slides into repeated comments about Israel? Yes, I do. Am I wrong in not seeing the connection between a bitter, self-loathing, hostile and confused young Asian dyke and the allegations regarding Harvey Weinstein? Then call me misguided and sensitive.
The [Q]uestion Q might have to force…and I hate to admit it, is "the Jewish Question." Q has stated it's Good vs. Evil, it's not any particular religion, it's about unity etc., and President Trump not only has family and staff that are Jewish, but also has many prominent Jews as close associates and had Jewish friends throughout his life. In my opinion, his Administration's policies towards the state of Israel have been very welcoming. That said, I admit there are tons of jews involved in cabal bullshit worthy of addressing. However, the moo-jooers will not settle. They believe the last stage of the cleansing is to remove all Jews from influential positions in society as a prelude to their eventual removal from America. That to date I have yet to see one moo-jooer actually clearly define, in any meaningful scientific or empirical way, what is and what is not a Jew, we'll have to leave for another day. I've only hear the various moo-joo libels and misinformation, including that I'm not white because they can find other jews who say as much. That has as much meaning to ME as if I were to insist they were flaming faggots because they suck Brock dry and pull out of Soros on a nightly basis. Seems to me, only they would really know if they are, in fact, homosexual…regardless of what I say (and believe).
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." And sometimes a 'racist' ideologically confused feminist Asian bitch, is just that. A 'racist' ideologically confused feminist Asian bitch! Let's keep it clean. No punching below the belt. Stay on topic or continue to assist the alpha-fuckers and Brock-boys in discrediting our work. For now, every headline I've seen in a 'mainstream' outlet thus far is calling us a 'conspiracy theory.' Are we capable of proving them wrong? And does WWG1WGA include everyone, without exclusion of those deemed guilty by their association to others they have had no involvement with?
Zero Hedge article:
Blue Lives Matter @RetiredNYCPD
Tim Pool verified @Timcast