Yes, please explain more Sinclair.
Again, as from last bread, please expand on your post.
Makes sense.
Why won't it fly? Board is slow as shit right nowโฆ time to discuss deeper things while its slow makes sense.
Explain what you mean by protection has been fighting for a very long time.
How is his word being USED against him?
I follow what your saying up to it being used against him. How so?
Super Bowl V II
Yesterday morning they where still smug as shit. Totally disrespected Rep Comer. Seemed cocky not scared at all but, that was 24 hrs ago and things are fluid as fuck.
I see the delays but I can't square your comment about him being forcedโฆ Keep thinking about POTUS's speech Q referenced recently. Seems to me he is right on track with what he said he was going to do prior to being elected.
What do you know that your not sharing?
Ya I know, all spiritual texts point to this truth but explain from your perspective what the ones that protect are.
If you where less cryptic we could cut through the chase. Deciphering Q is hard enough, if you have insight, share.
I sure don't understand what has meaning from your post but I want to tryโฆ more help please.
You said so last bread, even told us what family you areโฆ
I have my own ideas but no confirmation other then self-confirmation which for me is all I need.
I got the "They" figured. But how are they "so much MORE"
Ok, noted and will follow up.
Vatican City right?
I think I'm still talking with them.
At what point will this be resolved one way or another?
>At what point will this be resolved one way or another?
My intentions are rightโฆ Karistus= Aliens?
Ah yes, I've seen pictographs in Utah's Canyonlands that show massive Alian beings and spacecraft meeting with the Anazi. The Anazi are handing them corn.
St Petersburg Square?
Thank you spellingfag
1st thing I thought when I saw the image of the photon
I'm still struggling to catch upโฆ
You still on the board? Had to step away, more ? then answers
Fuck emโฆ are the protectors in the USA as well?
Man, confused to the point of not even knowing which one I amโฆ
I know the others are everywhere I see them, but the protectorsโฆ not so much
What about your bloodlines? The one you mentioned earlier?
Not sure that narrows it down enough in a search
Well then we are kindered as nobodies then
Your writing style is very similar then.
What you shared earlier in THIS bread?
Already digging on it, still working it outโฆ