>maybe they told jack they would eat his baby
>if he didnt shill against Q
They are SO afraid of what is about to come out in the open that they will do ANYTHING to stop it or try to convince people it's a larp. ANYTHING!
The Vegas wrap up was a surprise to me. Where is the Wray FBI on this? The LVPD concluded that it was paddock and only paddock and no one else and that they still don't know what his motive is. Plus Mandalay is suing the victims so that they can get it labeled a terrorist act so that they are not held to any responsibility.
I'm sure that there will be more coming from Wray's FBI though, surely they will not allow them to get away with this.
Wow! I'm really getting embarrased for you!
Go play with your legos man, you are thinking like a child!
What a moron!!!
If I was one of his followers, which I would never be in any reality/fiction, I would be so ashamed, so embarrased. What a complete moron.
I feel sorry for his wife, but I guess she must be just like him to have married him. I would be hiding my head under a pillow and crying if that was my husband!
Q is exposing all of these controlled op's for what they really are. Now if anyone was fooled by this idiot, they will see him for what he really is.