I am not anti white, i am saying that i am not playing your group identity game. Leave this shit to soros. White is a lie, just like black. Cultures are less widescale. Russians have nothing in common with brits.
You play the same cabal social engineering bullshits as black pride does. Its bullshit. You are inventing an "identity" to play with. We are all individuals. Some of us have the same colture or heritage.
The US was built by people from many cultures. First settled by brits, but through the years immigration followed. French and british dont see themselves as one, same for germans.
Forced multiculturalism never works and i wrote it in my prev response you pathetic retard, but not forcing multiculturalism is not the same as inventing group identities and playing accordingly.
If you think that all white believe your definitions of "white civilization" then you are a retard. Carry on playing with identities.