Q post #939
>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?
Q post #142
>What happened during WWII?
Germany was forced into war by Rothschild controlled countries like UK and US.
No evidence of gas chambers. The problem citizens were offered to leave and when they did not they were put in camps where they had movie theatres, hospitals, Olympic size swimming pools and many other amenities. Red Cross visited these camps and said they had never seen prisoners treated so well.
>Was Hitler a puppet?
>Who was his handler?
He didn't have one
>What was the purpose?
To be free from control.
>What was the real purpose of the war?
The Cabal regain control of Germany and send a message to anyone else thinking of getting rid of them and the central banking system. Just like Libya.
Q post #936
>The Nazi order.
>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
Q never said it was the Nazi order.
Q post #938
>N does not refer to Nazi.
>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.
Doesn't mean it's negative. The Nazi ideology was to free themselves from Cabal slavery and seek peace. Even if through strength.
>Events will clarify.
Time will show Hitler was right.