>LOTS of shills on here
No fucking shit!
Goddamn, it seems like 20% of the fucking posts here are "lot's of shills."
As if we're too stupid to see that for ourselves.
>LOTS of shills on here
No fucking shit!
Goddamn, it seems like 20% of the fucking posts here are "lot's of shills."
As if we're too stupid to see that for ourselves.
It must be a suck-ass life when your only contribution to the discussion is posting a nigger sucking a nigger's toe.
The adults are in charge.
He ought to delete himself.
But they can play the skin flute quite well.
A distinction without a difference.
High blood pressure is the silent killer.
SD is awesome.
Nah, he's just stupid.
Like the time last year when Wictor pointed out Navy Man Jack wore his uniform wrong, and Jack sent a glitter bomb to Wictor as a payback. Wictor proved he did it (to my satisfaction).
That was a stupid, childish, unforced error.
Jack's a dunce.
I hope that Soros goes to that "special place" prepared for him soon.
My biggie was seeing NK from AF1. That was my "Holy Shit, Batman, this is real!" moment.
What if I told you I fought in the Civil War?
And past is a prelude to future.