Hey anons, I just signed up for AMC A-list. I have to present an ID to see a movie, now. Is that racist? Makes total sense to have stricter safeguards in place to prevent movie ticket fraud that election fraud, right? Asking for a friend.
"Compare me to Abe LIncoln."
That's the basis of the new documentary "Death of a Nation" right? Anyone seen it? Any good, or fluff?
Daniel talks about the God of the Bible, which is an uncreated, eternal God who created us.
Ebot getting clever.
Nah. I know subjective testimony isn't convincing to other people. But you can encounter the real and living God for yourself, and I've had such an encounter (like a lot of the other anons on this board and elsewhere). Took me a long time to come around on some of these things, but I now unshakeablely believe that the Bible in its original languages is the inspired word of God.
However, it is co-opted and used to control the masses. But read closely and you'll see the message is one of freedom. Of no middlemen between you and your creator. Of no hierarchy of value between you the "elite." It's the biggest redpill and the biggest path to freedom, but it's been purposefully perverted and used for the opposite throughout history.
If you're open to it, seek the source. He'll tell you Himself.
I mean, feel free to ask a question unless you're being sarcastic? I've gotten some extra-biblical info. But for the most part, I grew up in a very non-Christian culture and had an extremely perverted view of the Bible. He basically walked me through the entire Bible personally. I thought I was getting the "truth" and that the Bible was corrupted. But I finally actually sat down and read the thing, and I realized it was all in there and consistent. I just didn't understand it at the time.