Why would jews be driving this truck on 911 in Manhattan?
Because they were behind 911, that's why.
Why would jews be driving this truck on 911 in Manhattan?
Because they were behind 911, that's why.
Stop lying like a kike. It is real. Furthermore, there are NYPD tapes that back it up.
We know you jews did 911.
There will be hell to pay for it.
"Computer Glitch" = $$$ sent to Tel Aviv.
How unfortunate for the hardworking goy that lost their homes to a "Computer Glitch."
Boycott the jews.
Don't use their banks.
Don't do business with them.
Force them back into the ghettos where they belong.
Tired of the jews passing laws that restrict and deny your rights as an American?
The power is in your hands to change that.
Never vote for a jew or anyone that supports jews.
Do we have a responsibility to the Children of America? Do children deserve to be able to grow up in a healthy environment? Do children have a right to not be raped by disgusting jews?
The time to boycott the jews is now.
Boycotting is easy, safe, effective, peaceful, and legal.
You do not need to wait for the government to take action. Hint: The government wont. It is run by jews.
Force the jews out of our life and send them back to the ghettos where they belong.
Let them parasite off each other.