Divide and Conquer
The Deepstate is trying to use the Divide and Conquer strategy like they did with the Tea Party movement. Two days ago their army of trolls and shills started to infiltrate our tweets and post on Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter. Even opening new accounts that portray to be friendly to the Q movement, all in order to create a divide. They make like they know all about Q and the movement. They do not. They will fail. The big advantage that we have is that Q and the Anons are all anonymous. They cannot be infiltrated like the Tea-Party was. And so long as we continue to post the FACTS and the Q PROOFS then we cannot be debunked. Stick to the plan. Tell only the truth and not your opinion. Through the truth comes the light. And always remember "The Strongest Weapon In The World Is Truth Because Truth Is Indestructible."
Anon sums up the Q Movement.
One of the most genius things about Q / "The Plan" is that by keeping all the sealed indictments, etc. under wraps - the mainstream media hasn't
been able to brainwash people as the indictments start piling up. Since it doesn't help their agenda, they have pretended like it wasn't happening.
The Q movement has organized the woke people of the US and world, and by having us dig and make proofs/memes - we've been slowly attracting others and enabling them to think freely without relying on the media for their reality.
Now, we've gone mainstream and the Q movement isn't swayed by the lies the media is reporting on QAnon. We're not going anywhere and our numbers can only grow, and once the hammer drops we'll be on the front lines to meme and help others wake up.
Proud to be participating in this historical movement to take back our country!
Anon Analysis of Media Coverage Validating Q as a Credible Threat
Clearly, the wave of Q bashing is coordinated at a level above the individual media outlets and pundits. The consistency of both headlines, content, and assessment prove this beyond any doubt. Any outlet participating in the anti-Q campaign has outed themselves, and I'm certain that many regulars here could have predicted who would have joined the MSM from the ranks of the supposed "alt-media." Some of them were following orders long before now.
If Q is all nonsense, believed only by a class of basement dwelling, marginally sane, uneducated, cult-susceptible morons, as all the bandwagon jumpers so vigorously assert, then why bother to attack in such a coordinated manner? Are we going to see the same pack-attack on flat-earthers, NASA skeptics, etc, etc?
I doubt it because those beliefs (whether founded or not) don't upset the establishment gravy train.
The virulence of this week's onslaught on the Q phenomenon tells us all we need to know: Q is viewed as a clear and present danger to the establishment by its highest levels. Of course, the MSM and fellow travelers will argue that we are a threat to national security and public order, but that's only because that's the line they've been directed to adopt. None of them knows enough to have analyzed this movement, its values or its objectives, and the cry of violent extremism has not one scintilla of evidence in its support.
But this is how all threats to the status quo are branded, whether they be the civil rights movement, patriot militias, or the Tea Party. The anti-Q initiative is straight out of a well-worn playbook. The participants in the attack might have changed and diversified, but the orchestrators have not.
Those who ally themselves with this propaganda campaign are showing themselves for what they are: conformists to establishment privilege, doctrine, and propaganda methods. This is a strategy of de-legitimation and containment. I suspect that the anti-Q reaction has come too late to achieve its goals, as the traction achieved without fanfare is now beyond the ability of mere propaganda to extinguish.
We are in the firing line, but Truth is a mighty weapon. We must hold fast, Patriots.