Anonymous ID: 43b8ca Aug. 5, 2018, 2:10 a.m. No.2461929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1976 >>2055


Have anons figured out the Mockingbird "explaining/debunking Q" article template yet?


An attempt to summarize them all:


Having never investigated Q drops, it seems odd.

There's no DC swamp draining progress being made that is not announced in plain view.

Trump doesn't have any non-public intel or data.

Trump also has no power or brains.

The military has no authority to stop grave national security threats to Constitutional stability.

Hillary and Dems are innocent of all spy felonies.

Pedos & sex traffickers are imaginary criminals.

There is no such thing as the deep state either.

The deep state isn't trying to stop/remove Trump because he has total control over them.

Resistance media would never lie to cover it up.

You need only trust Mockingbird media and must avoid dangerous bakers and crumbs, or else.

We have six ways til Sunday to get back at you.