Anonymous ID: c02b72 Aug. 5, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.2461775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Q way is not to tell you what to think, but to make you think for yourself and be analytical about your surroundings


My experiences of redpilling have been better when I spoke about the things that were a lightbulb moment for me (such as yours with Reddit) before moving on to deeper talks. Once they are open to discussion about one thing, you will be able to lead onto others in future conversations.


For the types that will see the injustice such as you did on reddit use the emotional arguments (tell them what you feel is unfair- unjust-hyprocritical)-


For the logical thinking friends, use the "do you believe in coincidences" example things like the qproofs. (tippy top etc). This is the area that once I started delving into, I could not dispute. I believe that it is mathematically impossible to be a larp now.


Welcome and good luck.