God bless this day, please forgive us for our sins and imperfections Lord God and guide us with your will.
God bless the USA and the men and women of the USA Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies.
God bless this day, please forgive us for our sins and imperfections Lord God and guide us with your will.
God bless the USA and the men and women of the USA Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies.
>reincarnated extraterrestials
alien hybrid comes close enough
>below 40k feet
Oh God, they are here already aren't they. We got reincarnated alien human hybrids walking among us, eating, drinking diet cokes and farting into our Earth air.
>1200 guns
How do you store that many guns ?
>toyota suv designed to drive underwater
They probably meant a 4runner with a snorkel, FFS. Crossing deep water is not the same thing as submerging.
>The (14 car, 1200 guns, knives and machete) collection as as odd as Lash's confessions to his soon-to-be-wife Catherine Nebron that he was working as an undercover operative for multiple unnamed government agencies according to her defense attorney Harland Braun
Totally a Q worthy story. Any more developments on the alien hybrid megagun collector brah?
I honestly dont give a shit. If I see one, I'll punch it in the face and tell it to go back to its planet. Just like the great Will Smith exlaimed in Independence Day, "Welcome to Earth bitch now get the fuck out."
>Anon, the great will smith is not so great. (You) need to lurk moar.
i bet he does a fair share of sucking or whatever floats his boat.
Honestly, I have no idea who or what is anymore. I do sometimes wonder if Earth is just another small proxy war in a giant intergalactic war between two or more multi specie alien factions. Maybe a possiblity, who knows. Given the stuff dumped here and other things, I tend to view more movies as soft disclosure attempts, so the MIB movie is probably a close resemblance of what the alien situation is really like on Earth. Which would tie into the whole giant integalactic war going on and that we are another blue ball planet to fight on.
>What if none of them came from very far away?
Thats cool, distance is a figment of human perception.
>What if they all come from here?
No problem bro. I hope they like to drink Coronas and chill.
NSA is white owl. While back some anon said that not owls are bad with respect to symbolism.
White owls VS. Dark owls scenario or am I overreaching here.
Reminds me also about GATE threads on halfchan and owls being mentioned.
>In the US .. The roads are shoddy. The buildings are old. Everything moves at a slow pace. Everyone moves at a slow pace. People get off work at 4:30. Dining options are sparse. Everything closes at 10 pm. There are no mobile payments. Very few delivery options.
What is the equivalent of 9-to-5 workweek schedule in China?
>Senate Passes Bill to Enshrine $38-billion Military Aid Package to Israel Into Law
What the fuck was this for?