Anonymous ID: c86669 Aug. 5, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2466500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6528 >>6580 >>6764


Reminder to all the newfags:


VOTL, a.k.a. Victory of the Light, a.k.a. Victory of Lucifer, is a spiritual fraud which was big in the years running up to 2012 and has been going on longer than that, in other forms. It seems to have got its start back in the '80s when Shelidan Nidle got his pedo charges dismissed.


Their message is basically this:


  1. The Pleiadian fleet is in orbit and they are working to bring down the Cabal. They will decloak when the stars are right, which should be ANY. SECOND. NOW. But good people will screw it up by doing or thinking anything negative. Just to be safe, it is best that good people don't do or think anything at all. Just trust that aliens will save the world.


  1. You must scoop out your brain with a rusty spoon. Fill your skull cavity with a blenderized mix of Star Trek, New Age mumbo jumbo and alien feces.


  1. The future is going to be Multiculti Space Communism and it is going to be glorious.


  1. Do these mass rituals during eclipses so that the Archons can steal your quantums n sheeeit.


  1. Whatever you do, do NOT look up Project Blue Beam, goyims!