Anonymous ID: 66bb57 Aug. 5, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.2468352   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In 1960 after losing the Democratic nomination LBJ was offered the VP spot by JFK who ultimately won the election. WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO JFK. In case your concern fagging: He was assassinated.


Barry Goldwater ran against LBJ in 1964. The Democrats labeled Goldwater as a racist because he had the support of the KKK. (Sound Familiar?)

Goldwater was ACTUALLY running against the Civil Rights Act; claiming that it would only harm the African American community by creating a dependence on government.


Despite the association with the KKK Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater Girl.


Lyndon Johnson went on to win the 1964 presidential election. This is where the modern plight of the African American began. Lyndon Johnson wanted to create the “Great Society”.


Again if your concern fagging; We are all very aware of how Africans were enslaved and the original struggle they endured.


The “Great Society” encompassed movements of urban renewal, modern transportation, clean environment, anti-poverty, healthcare reform, crime control, and educational reform.


Although Voting Rights are an absolute necessity for ALL citizens, because it was pushed by the Democrats, the African American developed a “These are ((our guys))” mentality,


This led to the Democrats sealing the black vote for decades. Unfortunately, what this has actually given them is a dependency on government assistance.


Welfare - A financial dependence.

Affirmative Action - Job dependence without merit. (Failure leads to lack of self worth)

Higher Education through Financial Aid - Enslaves ALL Americans who participate.

Medicaid and Medicare: Caused the increase in health costs

(the mans paying charge what you want)


and so on… including crappy public education.




Now before you get all hot and bothered. Community above refers to the poor working class. Not just ((AA)).


ALL this from ONE GUY? That gained power after an assassination? It began a revolution we are still fighting against today Patriots!


There is no Reconciliation only destruction of the revolutionaries. NON VIOLENTLY!