you will not accept my explanation
I would not have accepted my explanation
i started digging and comparing
i came to the realization on my own
that is the only way one accepts truth
the truth is right in front of you
emotionally we wanted an outcome
there are things that are really happening
but why are they happening
and who is exactly making it happen
what is reality?
what you see on the internet on a web page?
a mug shot and a name?
how funny are the clowns?
what are they capable of?
how desperate are they?
what is their real objective?
you have to ask these things of yourself and use your own logic to figure it out
that is what the socratic method is all about.
thats why we are all here right?
to ask questions.
I have provided many answers the last two days to the questions.
i love you all
except you david brock