Anonymous ID: f68dc9 Aug. 5, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.2470238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0310 >>0330 >>0333 >>0363 >>0366 >>0376 >>0382 >>0389 >>0425 >>0461 >>0469 >>0528 >>0537 >>0547 >>0548 >>0620 >>0628

So finally Q has been exposed as a psyop LARP by leaders in our movement. Trump is realizing that Q is harming the movement now and will make our side look like fools. Scott Adams, Jack Posobiec, and even Sean Spicer have confirmed what all the failed predictions have been telling us now for a long time. Q is bullshit.


I was interested in Q for a long time and thought he might be real, but I kept a healthy skepticism as a thinking adult. Now I am disappointed, but I'm glad the distraction is over. The question is, though, how will you idiot boomers react to this?

Ever since Q began, younger, better brains then you have attempted to get to the bottom of what is going on. You know, the true autists. They tried to question, debate, challenge and discuss, like thinking people of reasonable IQ like to do. They would have figured the veracity or falsehood of Q in no time. Sadly however, that was never allowed here. They were repeatedly run away by a moronic cult of boomers. They were shouted down, called names, and never once were any of their arguments, questions, or challenges to Q cult addressed. You all instead chose to act no better than shrieking campus feminist/commies, refusing to hear an argument. You couldn't debate, wouldn't debate, and as a result, none of Q's drops were ever properly vetted and discussed by people with a triple digit IQ. So here we are. You all look like fools, Trump recognizes you are a liability, and he is smartly removing your signs from his rallies before you cause any more damage to the MAGA movement.


How does it feel? How does it feel to be a bootlicking moron who couldn't abide intellectual debate? Had you allowed such discussion in the tradition of the chan that got Trump elected, we would have wrapped up the falsehood of Q long ago. Instead you have been outed as the stupid boomer sheep you are. You thought you were super-duper citizen secret agents, but no, you were just dumb cows. An embarrassment. An embarrassment to the movement, and an embarrassment to the president.


Hopefully you will learn something from this. Acting like an authoritarian cultists with no regard for truth and intelligence, choosing the path of the blind follower, shouting down dissent- well, its just pathetic. Unworthy of free men. The generation that got us into this mess proved once again how utterly spoiled, stupid, arrogant, and twisted you are. You are the past. Understand that, and go play shuffle board, and crawl away before shaming us any further.

Anonymous ID: f68dc9 Aug. 5, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.2470558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Or Scott just met with Trump, who told him to help shut down the Q garbage before it causes any more embarassment. Or he is just a thinking person who can look at evidence and make a high IQ conclusion.


Q stated in no uncertain terms that now is the time for Q to go mainstream! To help Q go mainstream, Trump confiscates Q signs at rallies, tells his largest internet followers to let everyone know its horseshit, and even has Spicer go on the Donald to tell everyone the same. And if you think Spicer could do that Q&A against Trump's wishes without any reaction by Trump you are truly stupid. Trump undoubtedly knew ahead of time exactly what would be said. Anyway though, I am done arguing with you fools. Everyone else is moving on now. You can stay here and make fools of yourselves as long as you want. Im just curious though- for those of you who have been talking to your wives and children about this, are you worried that they will lose respect for you now that you have been outed as a stupid sheep who was used, laughed at and had? You should be, because they will.

Anonymous ID: f68dc9 Aug. 5, 2018, 3:47 p.m. No.2470595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0616


Q said he wants more coverage, he wants this mainstreamed. Does that jive with confiscating signs, or what any of the movement leaders that got him elected have been saying?


You people are too dumb for life.