Wind the CLOCK.
Start the CLOCK.
On the CLOCK.
Graphic to BOARD.
Black has stalled.
White King exposed.
White Bishop to D5 freezes F7 Pawn & Black King.
Cornered. Closing in.
End of Turn?
Black on the CLOCK?
Total time?
Wind the CLOCK.
Start the CLOCK.
On the CLOCK.
Graphic to BOARD.
Black has stalled.
White King exposed.
White Bishop to D5 freezes F7 Pawn & Black King.
Cornered. Closing in.
End of Turn?
Black on the CLOCK?
Total time?
White Squall.
The STORM is not a Phenomena of the Imagination.
The STORM is real.
Anons are Claiming their Place in the World.
This is not a Game.