>Where's this from? (pic of little girl with 2 black eyes)
Gaza 2014, she got black eyes and concussion from the bombs being dropped nearby. The IV is because she had been in the hospital. She recovered.
>Where's this from? (pic of little girl with 2 black eyes)
Gaza 2014, she got black eyes and concussion from the bombs being dropped nearby. The IV is because she had been in the hospital. She recovered.
More on Israeli-run sex and drugs trafficking operations in Colombia
>head of an “international network of human trafficking, micro-trafficking and sex tourism”.
>From their base in “little Israel” Moosh is reported to have run similar clubs exploiting drugs and children in Cartagena, Bogotá, Medellín, Ecuador, Mexico and Brazil.
>pic absolutely related
PAY ATTENTION to this and keep it in mind when you see pedo & trafficking busts
>We knew this day would come
We expected it, we trained for it, we're ready for it. Those who have weaker constitutions can bow out for a little while, we'll take the flak, it's really nothing to us. It's like little drops of rain in a drizzle, we've been through this before and we laugh in the faces of the shills - their panic and desperation is sweet, sweet nectar, their shrill cries and hysterical screeching is a beautiful string quartet.
To those who, for their sake, have to take a break:
Go ahead, we'll be here when you come back and we won't even throw it in your faces. Somebody has to be the middle or the back of the troops, and some are the tip of the spear. Everyone has a place and participates as they can. Not everyone is cut out for this, and that's okay.
The little slings and arrows thrown by the noodely-armed pantifa and impotent mockingbirds are nothing to us. They cannot hurt us because we do not need or want their approval or recognition. We chuckle at the sociologists and psychologists who try to explain us - they will never get it! They will never understand us, and that is why they always lose. Always. Just like this time. THEY WILL LOSE.
They have no love for others or their country, just sycophants and virtue-signalling, jockeying for social status, notoriety and mammon. They cannot understand the greater love, the devotion to our people and our great nation because they are people of platitudes and jingoism and empty gestures. They cannot understand this historic moment because they live only for themselves and only for the here and now, they have no connection to the past and no real care for the future. They are broken, incomplete people and project their own fears, shortcomings, failures and bad deeds onto others, so they cannot understand true honesty and investigation - they hide from themselves and others what they do not want to acknowledge. We have no masks like we have no identities here - we don't need them. Being nameless and faceless here affords the opportunity for very blunt honesty, the swaying, braying twittermob of social justice warriors / PC commisariat cannot enforce their canon here and it infuriates them. Their inability to control us only leads to their realization of the inability to control the public.
Only 7.9% really believe the mockingbirds - they are losing control and it is terrifying. It should be.
They will LOSE. Again. Just like always.
Our message will take hold far beyond the 350 MILLION that Q mentioned. It will spread and it is unstoppable.