Anonymous ID: ad4c6c Aug. 5, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.2472999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3222



Thank God, I thought I was the only one doing any digging on the South American sketchiness.


I tried to search the archives for anything on the "Shining Path" referenced in this article, but the Pavuk thing locked down my browser.


Yeah, I think a hell of a lot more is going on than even we have been speculating.


"The perpetrators of the assassination plot against Trump, The Shining Path, have distinctive Red Dawn ties to the paramilitary groups that are training in El Salvador and Honduras. They are also tied to the old CITGO oil empire which, in part, evolved into the BRICS organization which is seeking to destroy the Petrodollar by confining oil purchases to gold while bypassing the international agreement which only permitted oil sales in dollars. Interestingly, the old CITGO alliances tie directly to George Soros front groups and directly to the Chinese government. I do not believe that China wants war, at this time, with the US, however, this event and subsequent discovery of Shining Path’s involvement would have led to blaming China and thus, World War III could have commenced. This is speculation, but this is probably why China is cooperating with Korean unification. What this definitely indicates is that although the Federal Reserve is not active in trying to assassinate President Trump at this time, larger scale banking interests are very much interested in starting WW III and framing China for any assassination attempt. This group could be none other than the Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements.


If the reader will recall, it was in May that the President sent troops to the border to interdict migrants attempting to come into the country. These were not people seeking refuge, they are hard core revolutionaries.


This prostitution ring is part of a larger empire connected to a future Red Dawn invasion force. I am convinced that elements of this group ran guns for Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious operation.


What my DEA source made crystal clear is that Trump has gotten to the Colombian government. For this government to bust an off-shoot group of the Sanchez-Paredes/Sendero Luminoso group would have taken extraordinary leverage against this government. It is apparent that Trump is attempting to dry up a major revenue stream of these terrorist groups by attacking the revenue stream of child-sex-trafficking.


And in saving the best for last, my DEA source told me that these operations are monitized, in part, by the Deep State and serve to fund many domestic and international endeavors. And their bankers are HSBC. This open who another angle of this story."

Anonymous ID: ad4c6c Aug. 5, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.2473205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3259

"Four months ago, Paul Preston told me that the reason that President Trump abruptly, and at the last minute canceled his South American trip was due to the fact that a definitive and well-coordinated plot to assassinate the President had been discovered. Paul ran with that story and I was content to sit on the sidelines of this story and cheer on his fine work and celebrate the fact that the President avoided catastrophe.


Call me “slow to the party”, I have also stumbled upon similar information with regard to this planned assassination of Trump. The perpetrators are called, The Shining Path. As it is with the Sanchez Peredes cartel, operating out of Peru, this group is a facilitator between Middle East terror groups, MS-13 and various drug cartels operating within Central America and now, inside of the United States.


One of the reasons that I found Paul Preston’s assassination plot revelation so compelling is because I am already aware that Trump, and for good reason, does not trust much of the Deep State infested Secret Service as they were already compromised by Sendero Luminoso. I have previously reported that the President uses the Marines to provide much of his security. I have learned, independent of the fine work of Paul Preston that it was the Marines White House detail that called off the President’s trip to South America as they came across details of the plot. I have also been told loyal elements of the FBI shared similar information with key White House staffers. Additionally, I was told that the Federal Reserve shared key information on this point with Trump’s guard detail. Why would they do that? The answer is simple, Trump is protecting the Petrodollar as much as possible. Now, I am not here to make excuses for this President, however, his unwarranted and participation in the false flag Syrian chemical weapons attack and subsequent retaliation, was a deal made between Federal Reserve interests and Trump. The Fed needs Syria and Iran knocked out of power and thus, collapse the gold backed oil sales coming out of Iran. The Federal Reserve is willing to go to war over this issue, because it is a survival issue for this institution. Without a viable petrodollar, the dollar will collapse along with your job, pension and bank account. This is why Trump capitulated and gave the Federal Reserve what they wanted, which is to unseat Assad before turning their attention to Iran. I was told that it is the belief of American intelligence agencies that if Syria falls, Russia will not feel that they can adequately defend Iran from Israel. To date, Russia has not shown any real interest in going to war other than the typical blustering against the US imperialism."

Anonymous ID: ad4c6c Aug. 5, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.2473287   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Well, would ya look at that. Our friend Preet.

" The office of Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, headed the investigation. "


Anybody who's completed the tenth grade knows that New York state is as corrupt as the day is long. Hate it for 'em, but it may be so far gone that it's a lost cause.

Anonymous ID: ad4c6c Aug. 5, 2018, 7:05 p.m. No.2473317   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ah geez, Anna Wintour.

People aren't so much nice to her, as they are trying to avoid her making their lives a living hell.

No one alive actually "likes" Anna Wintour.