Anonymous ID: 5c2b9d Aug. 5, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.2473719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3749 >>3769 >>3794 >>3811 >>3867 >>3931 >>3942 >>4029 >>4158

What are Anons thoughts on Q's crumb -"going mainstream before the evidence drop"?


How do you interpret Q's crumb?


I'm thinking that QAnon is picked up by the MSM, they try to debunk Q & call us all conspiracy nuts,….then Q is going to drop the MOAB of truth…with irrefutable evidence to back it up. This will shake the MSM to the core & real journalists (how few there are) will really start digging into all the Q crumbs..& start putting the map of corruption together themselves. Anons will persist & demand all the TRUTH of our diggings to be revealed nationally & hopefully this will truly wake up all normies & even brainwashed liberals.


This is my hope & interpretation of Q's mainstream drop.

Anonymous ID: 5c2b9d Aug. 5, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.2474251   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What if I told you the Left Wing & the Right Wing were part of the SAME BIRD…


Both parties are corrupted by the evil sickness…that is why so many are leaving office on both sides but even more so on the REPUBLICAN side! They have been rigging elections so that THEIR candidate won…they have been controlling Our lives & they have been the ones to COST AMERICANS over $21 TRILLION DOLLARS (which is OUR debt!).


Why in the FUCK do we pay taxes & give these corrupt, lying fuckfaces our money to spend on what THEY decide? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Fuk, over 23% of my paycheck goes to the government in federal taxes, state taxes, social security, medical insurance, dental, etc…my life would be much better off if I actually got every $ that I worked for!


Our government hasn't worked for US in years! They own us, take our $, make us sick so they can "treat" us, poison our food & children, steal, sexually abuse & sacrifice our children!


It is time to clean OUR HOUSE! It is time for those who we elect to actually represent US & work for OUR needs & not fill their pockets!


Time to put a $ CAP on what any member of Congress can make & put in 5 year term limits!