For those who are still concerned about losing the midterms and/or still believe in a mythical "blue wave"…
Election Integrity is real, we just forgot what it looks like. We got a reminder only 3 days ago… 8/2/18: White House Press Briefing
For those who are still concerned about losing the midterms and/or still believe in a mythical "blue wave"…
Election Integrity is real, we just forgot what it looks like. We got a reminder only 3 days ago… 8/2/18: White House Press Briefing
Let's start off with the fact that it's not what SARAH says (deflection), it's what the IC directors say that should be the focal point here. Example, Christopher Wray was there (FBI/domestic), listen to that he has to say. Gen. Nakasone (NSA) was there, definietly listen to what he has to say. THEY KNOW what the problems are (domestically), and have been addressing them whether we see it in the public or not. Either these guys & the remaining are competent, or full of shit, along with Q (pic related). I'll let you decide.