Way to be looking at shit from 40K, anon. I'm comfy as can be among the chaos, just keeping an eye out.
>final stages
Not quite, mainstream was a big step, now that the word is out we're catching shit because bad actors are still trying to hold power. However, they can't stop people from thinking "what if?", what if it's all true or even just parts OF it? People will start questioning because it's the right thing to do, especially when stuff of this level going on without their knowledge and people they trusted are behind it. Still a lot to do, 2 more countries to free before the last, 4 months until the parade. No rest for the weary…
Honestly think Lebron was a sacrifice of (((theirs))) at this point, considering what's coming this week. Not that we shouldn't check it but it feels like a bait and switch…