Anonymous ID: a0ae9e Aug. 5, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.2474682   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4702 >>4707 >>4717 >>4738 >>4739 >>4741 >>4747 >>4760 >>4764 >>4771 >>4793 >>4818 >>4854 >>4922 >>4950 >>4965 >>4971

Oldfag here.

Not a complainer. not a concern troll.

But FFS.


I feel like we're BAIT.

You're using us for BAIT.

This is the closest I've felt to throwing in the towel.

At this point the division in Trump supporters is real.

I can hardly believe that these famefaggots have their heads SO far up their asses that they think they have to come out publicly and virtue signal about being "against Q"


But it doesn't matter that they're being princesses, it only matters that Q loyalists are going to get the blame for 'wrecking MAGA.'


This feels bad right now.

We need a win.

Far be it from me to make demands or be demoralizing.

If you knew the other things I've done for this movement you'd understand that I am a CHEERLEADER for this thing, not to mention I've contributed research.


All that being said man.. Q โ€ฆ whoever/whatever you areโ€ฆ we need a WIN and some sort of way to express to these people that we're not what they think we are.


Can't believe they are basically calling us Deplorables.

Scott Adams .. dayum. Ashamed to be on the same side as us.


Now comes the pain, right?

I just didn't think it'd be the anons who were feeling it.