Highest Ranking Hillbilly Anon here. Jake Tapper called me early today and asked if Q was a larp. I said, "No, Q is a White House intelligence op. confirmed by Trump numerous times. It's CNN that's fake, not Q." Did he report that? No. There are no coincidences.
Q does 0 damage. If there's a problem, it's with the lack of action from the DOJ against the deep state. I believe what I see happen. Trust is earned only when promises are fulfilled.
We wouldnt be surprised if some ff shooter in a Q t-shirt shoots up an Auntie Fag event or something like that. I wonder if the Hoover Dam guy is an anon or a plant?
OMG, she's under 80. Child porn!
She aint 13 there, she's fields o' plenty.
4 angrocrats were added by Marine Bob.
Yeah, he was like the Bill Maher of his day, smug libtard.
I never had sex with that woman, Pamela Anderson. I wanted to, she said No, and I was all out of roofies.
Qresearch had ALL kinds of problems as soon as Q called out masons, the next day, Boom! Board problems.
Plus sailors are faggots.
All your Dilberts are belong to me now.
Demoncrats are groupthinkers. Whatever the group thinks is "cool," is SO cool. But it's nearly always fucking lame.
I'd marry her and not just for the money.