I followed Scott since before the election.
He is not malicious.
The comments are interesting
Lots of QAnon responses thus far
I followed Scott since before the election.
He is not malicious.
The comments are interesting
Lots of QAnon responses thus far
Something is certainly up, particularly since he just met with POTUS
We just don't fully know what it is yet
That coincides with Sommers list
The best response I saw an anon suggest for POTUS to say was "we don't doxx Q"
I just listened to a periscope and a YT video of Praying Medic / not a newfag / been anon since Nov 1 / anyway first time listening / he was really good and I will make it habit to listen to more of his stuff to share
I don't even reply anymore with facts, or filter, I just ignore and scroll past any and all posts regarding SRA and Barnett
That would be unfortunate if Posobiec is Q
I could see POTUS losing a lot of votes if that were so
Posobiec is very much despised by many