Whiny bitches.
With the information we've gathered from official sources, we are a danger to them whether Q is real or not.
We have passed that tipping point.
Whiny bitches.
With the information we've gathered from official sources, we are a danger to them whether Q is real or not.
We have passed that tipping point.
Adams obviously a smart guy but I don't think so.
Now, if it was Micheal Crichton (RIP), I could believe it.
The more they try to discredit Q, the better chance some "journalist" will try to trap Trump with the question. That's their MO.
Except that Q corrects us when we go off on a tangent. It's not "you see what you want to see."
They have no leverage against us. We are like ghosts everywhere. They could shut the site down and it would have no long-term effect on getting the information out. Only our tactics would change.