Anonymous ID: 02eeef Aug. 18, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2662956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5526 >>5535


>he cast such harsh words only to find out it wasn't that bad. thats what had me kek'n

kek, yeah, curryanon here and I apologise for jumping the gun there a bit.

the first chapter had me in all kinds of literary discomfort, but then the later chapters were almost perfect, so i didn't want to be making any changes.


anyway, gonna be working on hindi translations the whole day today. i'm hoping to get majority of it done by the time sun sets here on curryland.




one can just go through the list of countries specifically mentioned by Q. this is in no way a US only operation. in any case, the world is way too interconnected today anyway.




USA is THE world leader by far, but what is a leader without their team?



>first layer of PR

see memes

This document is for those who have seen those memes day in day out for a few months and just can't stop themselves from jumping head first in Q but get confused on /qresearch/.

We are doing good here. Kudos to the patriots.



hehehe why..uhh, why do you say that human-anon? hehe… we are all biological human beings homo sapiens sapiens here, anon. hehe, trust me.



>child porn reminder

maybe remove the word "child" in the remainder. or, like i said so many days ago - "YUGE boobs only"

finally - we do need as many people on our side as possible. and if that means trying to make the lefties see the truth then so be it. sure we have the majority with us but we can always do with one more brain starting to think again.

Anonymous ID: 02eeef Aug. 19, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.2664556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

curryanon here, almost halfway through to the hindi translation.


as >>2664471 has some major changes, i will wait for it to be approved and adopted by anons here before continuing my work.



yo, >>2664471 there's maybe a line or 2 you may like to add to the english pdf from >>2655277