Anonymous ID: 1e1804 Aug. 6, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2476984   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7051 >>7073 >>7077 >>7376

Covfefe Table #1

>>2476886 CoC is important!

>>2476890 It's a trap!

>>2476894 Putin is Under Seige Segal Dig

>>2476909 Pepe Army "Storms" the Beachead


Media Outlets Hype Trump Tweet As New Admission โ€” Forget He Said The Same Thing Last Year

>>2476928 UnREACTED? Whats it s'posed to REACT with?

>>2476929 "Wake Up Neo, er WAPO"

>>2476944 Every. Single. Time. Kek!

>>2476948 An endorsement! Thank you!

>>2476962 Some of the best intelligence assets are famous people. They can go anywhere, meet any one. Lions among wolves!

>>2476972 Je suis - French "I AM" ->Jesuis -> Jesus

Anonymous ID: 1e1804 Aug. 6, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.2477051   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7065 >>7073

>>2476984 Covfefe Table #1

>>2476986 Lynn de Cuntchild, Bronfman(s), Lauder and assorted digs


Can you take some shots of teh pages and post them one at a time with brief description

>>2476990 Patriots go to bed or to work or church. Baker Girls are distraction anyhow! Not for Autists though, they are essential!


>>2476997 quise I think i just got activated I am practicing Russian while doing Hung fu


>>2476999 Fukken Chek'd and saved mate!

>Hidden Message by Devin Nunes?

>Nunes Twitter Post, August 4th.

Is Doran /ourguy/ NOTABLE

if not already, that isโ€ฆ


>>2476975 If a jew is suspicious about 8chan I get it. Obviously he needs to spend more than a weekend looking into it before he will get it. Otherwise he's just a pussy jew and needs to lurk moar!


>>2477042 This was a year ago, whats this got to do with Q research?

Anonymous ID: 1e1804 Aug. 6, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.2477073   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Covfefe Table #3

>>2477051 Covfefe Table #2

>>2476984 Covfefe Table #1

>>2477053 'tis indeed. It's gonna be a great week, I think. I know everyone has been disappoited Q Research isnt accedited NEWS OUTLET but we are mainstream none the less. Handle with care. Attacks Intense and will remain so for forseeable future. Stand Firm. be resolute. BeBest

Anonymous ID: 1e1804 Aug. 6, 2018, 1:11 a.m. No.2477106   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7111 >>7162

Just to be clear I am not the BAKER

I like to use one post to cover as many responses and mark as many articles as I think are notable. IG0F's what y'all think about it or how you gonna try and attack it.

Baker keep up the good work


Covfefe Table Addendum

Anonymous ID: 1e1804 Aug. 6, 2018, 1:26 a.m. No.2477162   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7421

Cqvfefe Table #4

>>2477105 Its gonna be so fun when we can all say "Remember when there was a MSM?"


"Nah, Me neither!"

>>2477106 Addendum 1

>>2477120 High (Q)uality Memes

>>2477121 This story is aboot protecting their assets as the canadian bacon gets cooked. SA is a global leader in intelligence.

>>2477127 hamza-bin-laden-marries-daughter-of-911-hijacker-mohammed-atta


>>2477130 TOGTFO kek

>>2477139 You know what I see people slide the bread all day and I have barely made an average of 7 posts a bread. I am not concerned, are you? I am being nice cause youre baking, but I will post whatever the fuck I want, customary be damned. And if you look at what I do post its a lot of NOOTABLES that I do call out and other stufff I thikn newb or newfags or shills or normies or who the fuck ever might be drawn to besides a bunch of shilly faggoty fucking slides and distractions taht definitely are not helper ANON material. SO tend the dough, I got me


*I will be back later, need not respond and "waste bread" faggots





Anonymous ID: 1e1804 Aug. 6, 2018, 1:55 a.m. No.2477281   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>2477216 Outstanding High (Q)uality Post Anon

Get the fuck off my lawn Soros! (stolen)


>>2477218 "conservatives" Jason Bourne (Jack posoyBourneBitch) is cherry picking a "color" and then using the wide brush to paint himself a victim and divide the Trump supporters. Division Shill faggot needs to shut up. Thank you for your service though! He's completely unaware how he is actually helping the movement, OR IS HE?


>>2477226 WWJD?

He would turn the




>>2477233 Blood Sweat and Tears AAAND Bucks! Cabal faggots aint gonna give up easy ya know?


So when teh ENEMY gets backed in the corner, and they decide to off 5 million of us in a horrendous act, its gonna be the shills and the NERVE NEVER TRUMPERS to blame for nipping at the heels of this movement and not going all in like Q Research Anons are


Be Loud

Be Proud

BeBest Anons.

NightShift Niggas are just plain lost. Day shift coming up. Move Counter Move. D5