Anonymous ID: 5d8311 Aug. 6, 2018, 3:23 a.m. No.2477592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7656



what happens in israel and why it is kept for last?


Some factions in israel are trying to clear up the israeli deep state and soros influence. The problem is the parliament is too weak as the supreme court and corrupt judiciary system are the real rulers of the country (and are deep state cabal connected). Plus you have many at the top of the military who are compd (israeli diggers found out that it all started when these people too some soros backed "educational programs" in harvard while still serving in the army), abd compd faction in israeli secret services and the top lines of the police force.

I think trump is coordinated with these efforts and i also think that bibi, altough a political opportunist and a career politician, is with potus and with the plan. Notice the many right wing european leaders that are establishing connections with the israeli righy, despite the soros puppets yelling the unbased "muh antisemitism".


I believe what is being cooked for israel is the deal of the century that will go hand in hand with the internal destruction of the israeli deep state from within. But first iran and pakistan must be dealt with.

Notice that the deal of the century hasnt even been layed out on the table publicly, it is because the stage hasnt been set yet.


Another surprise that might be on the table is bypassing the cabal backed corruped PLA that rules the west bank using the puppet Abbas, and working on a permanent sollution in gaza with egypt by direct pressure and talks with hamas (they were also backed by cabal through iran, but they are feeling the heat as iran is crumbling). Something unusual is being cooked there. Hamas fires molotov and incineration baloons + sending militants to the border, some armed, but israel isnt retalliating hard and instead negotiates something through egypt, despite israelis demanding a response. Something is definitely happening.


Source: personal knowledge and israeli connections.