Anonymous ID: 94c1f6 Aug. 6, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.2478500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

<<ANONYMOUS is CUCKED>look at the rainbow, you know who is trying to normalize Pedophiles? the people represented by that Rainbow you fucking FAGS. The movie V for Vendetta set the table for the "psy op" that is anonymous, motherfuckers couldnt even think of their own mask, choose the scream mask at least, Fawkes failed. Then they took the snowden drops and ran with it for a while, learning what we know from Q, snowden was a C_A op to screw over the No Such Agency, well the Anonymous were the soldiers for snowden, notice most of their early shit is about "mass surveilance" aka NSA, there are good members, dkAnonymous is a good example. Other wise they are the enemy and any of them pushing the rainbow is literally pushing pedo's.