Anonymous ID: 7394f4 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.2479490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9530 >>9583

Looks how the shills put the "Alex Jones" commercial before the bread. Figures. They don't eve know that's the spot reserved for shills.

>>2479098 (pb)


There are so many Jones-Hicks ass-kissers in this world.

God , doesn't' he love that.

Can't they tell? damn kek

That's exactly why he's there. The guys who run the comped "opposition" promised him a big audience.

(I hope too many of the Jones-Hicks lovers and defenders don't come here.

Maybe they can go somewhere else.Or just read Q vids and Q related blogs.)

Jones blocked 9/11 Truth for the perps, while pretending he was for it. He's more to blame than people / commentators who didn't pretend to be on our side.

It's like a fucking priest who buggers your child.

If it was just the creepy babysitter, well .terrible. But if it was the leader who who you loved and who taught you beautiful things about God and salvation.

How much more evil is it? How much more does it break you? Not only violate your child but breaks your spirit.

The power of that betrayal is so great that people will blind themselves for years and continue to follow the ringer; since it's too painful emotionally to accept what has been done to one's self.

He needs to go down. Maybe he will find a doorknob.

Anybody who could listen to that disgusting surgically atlered voice for more than one minute? Can't figure that out? Bombastic interrupter?

People tolerate it because the pain of being a gull or a mark in the name of one's highest asperation - that we've admitted we have good and for change; and are mocked for that and made exiles - He plays that role. We identify. So he never gets caught and can do whatever ridiculous thing and still have the blind defend him. He feels perfectly safe because he's gulled you so bad he knows you'll never have the courage to wake -up.

I guess it's somewhat like the liberals who can't be torn away from Amy Goodman - they just think she's the only thing in town and are desperate. She also attaches herself to their highest aspirations, for justice, human rights , all the good things. She also comped, of course.

So no matter how much Goodman insults the intelligence of her followers they won't stop with their seats glued to their chairs,.

This is the nefariousness of the dirty info delivery systems.

Much dirtier than 8chan , BTW

He say's here:

"You know what it's like to go to sleep every night knowing you are working for a bunch of psychotic killers"kek

(Don't watch too long you may suffer a heart attack from increased blood pressure)

Right, and people can't see he's there to make us look bad?

Sad. He's an actor; a performance artist. He doesn't like you. He's thinks it's funny what he is doing. Laughing all the way to the bank

When he was Hicks he did a bit about "Orange Drink" showing that a person who pretended to be for truth but who hawked products was a joke. He's knows he a joke. And the joke is on "you;" whoever still thinks he's cool and who defends him. The truth isn't kind [often] Sorry about that.

Anonymous ID: 7394f4 Aug. 6, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.2479583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I recall now that "Q" asked a question:

"Who do you trust the most?" (or somesuch?).

Naive people trust the ones with the sugary words.

That's how all the liars are, in politics and entertainment; Sugery words.

"Much Love" "Much Love"

People are used to being lied to with empty highfalutin bullshit words.

That's why they don;t like Trump [at first]

It's an allergy. They are used to being lied to. That's comfy to them.

They are not used to someone who actually means their words, thinking Pres. Trump is brash compared to the liars they are used to.

Bill Clinton said POTUS was "impolite" oh really.

Yes, at this point, the truth is not kind.

Yes, they melt - are emotionally not strong enough for the Truth.

It's a bitter medicine to them .