Anonymous ID: ee451e Aug. 6, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.2480813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0873 >>0907

President Trump is guaranteed a win for his next term.


For those not following along, allow me to explain that the FISC court order and opinion, the IG report from Mr. Horowitz, and the recently released FBI FISA warrant application contain every single piece of evidence that a person would require to determine that President Trump has been railroaded.


These publicly available documents prove, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that BHO et. al. systemically, ruthlessly, and illegally tried to undermine any chances of President elect Trump to win an election and to thwart a duly elected President from performing his duties.


Trump has ALL the power and proof currently and I imagine he will use it at his leisure.


IF the Dems win the mid terms, President Trump will drop the hammer immediately. IF the House and Senate remain Repub controlled, President Trump may delay some actions until it is Presidential re-election time.


This is his GUARANTEED 2nd term … which I am thankful for.