Anonymous ID: ee9469 Aug. 6, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.2480852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0870

>>2480738 lb

:: patience here, because may be dealing with retard ::

Look at meme about Trump, fury and patience.

Message is Trump is patient man. His fury does not override his patience.

His patience constrains his fury.

I attempted to illustrate the contrast between patience and impatience.

Using well know Godfather 1 characters.

You know, Sonny impatient, hot-head, Michael patient, calm, calculating?

One dies young, the other lives on.

THAT was what I was trying to show

I didn't try to write a book about their entire lives, who went to heaven or hell or Disneyland.

As you were.