Anonymous ID: 469a93 Alex Jones Free Speech Aug. 6, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.2481782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1862 >>1982 >>2020 >>2072 >>2077

Dear Q,

The Alex Jones "Purge" by Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, and soon Twitter elevates Jones to the status of a 1st Amendment Martyr.

Love him, hate him or indifferent towards him is now irrelevant. He must be defended. Jones was purged because he is so hard to defend. These companies are private entities and claim that they can act as they see fit. These companies all have contracts with the Federal Government to secure data, intel of/on all the users of their services. These contracts facilitate the function of The Federal Government (The March Toward Tyranny). These contracts make these companies an extention of the Federal Government. The Constitution restricts the Federal Government and the 1st Amendment the right of Free Speech is supreme. These companies as extention/facilitator of the Federal Government are bound by The Constitution as if they were the Federal Government. These oligarchs think they are the government. If Hillary had won Bezos would today be moving into his new HQ outside DC.
