Anonymous ID: 6105b1 Aug. 6, 2018, 11 a.m. No.2481603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1642

Reposting with girls for higher visibility.


Here's another "I'm glad we don't have an official spokesman, but if we did, this is what I would want them to say" offering. What do you think?


Dearest Anonymous:


We, the various Anons and autists involved in what you refer to as the “QAnon” movement, note your recent declaration of intent to take down our boards and end the movement.


As we are entirely aware how Anonymous has been infiltrated/sponsored by a certain well-known intelligence agency, we can only conclude that this effort is based entirely upon your handlers’ desire to stop the information retrieval and analysis effort QAnon has been conducting for the last nine months. Considering the information implicates said agency, it is understandable why they have become desperate enough to activate their antiquated Anonymous operation and attempt to disrupt us before it is too late.


Be warned that by taking this action each of your agents is revealing themselves to scrutiny and exposure, likely to multiple intelligence and security agencies. The Anonymous operation has been thoroughly studied and countermeasures to its limited reach and effectiveness have been deployed. Further, redundant systems have been prepared to reduce any possible effects of your group on the on-going operation. You are not the only anonymous collective being supported by an intelligence agency.


QAnons are not afraid of Anonymous. Your activation and deployment by your handlers was expected. Your activation at this phase of the operation is telling. When QAnon is actively exposing institutional corruption and the entrenched bad actors of the Deep State, both in the US and abroad, it is only natural that those entities do everything in their power to stop that investigation. QAnons have already sustained nine months of concerted data attacks and we are not dissuaded from our pursuit of corruption in the Deep State.


Activating the Anonymous operation against us, and then publicizing it through compromised media outlets, merely confirms the validity and importance of the work we do. To us and to the general public. This is not a warning. This is a statement of fact. We will not be dissuaded.


We are QAnon.


Where We Go One, We Go All

Anonymous ID: 6105b1 Aug. 6, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.2481674   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That's because the message isn't for the Maskfags. It's for the general public. Any media outlet researching this forum will have a concise response that doesn't namecall, but calls out Anonymous for the clown front it is. It drops a couple of truth bombs along the way – and those are far more important than any message to Anonymous itself.


You are never speaking to just one person. Or one clandestine agency.

Anonymous ID: 6105b1 Aug. 6, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.2481790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1838



When institutionalized corruption has been in place for so long, and so much has been hidden or classified, then it requires someone with access to ALL the information to be able to see the pattern of the conspiracy. Nothing Q has dropped has been classified. But as Anons dig they hit the walls of classification that demonstrate what might be hidden and who might have hidden it.


THAT is the focus and purpose of QAnon. All else is psyop. We know that.

Anonymous ID: 6105b1 Aug. 6, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.2481951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1987



Ignore him. Go to the top, start with the "Get Started" sections. Lurk, read, and don't post unless you have something valuable to contribute to the effort. Learn our comms. And beware of shills.


Good luck. This place is not for everyone.

Anonymous ID: 6105b1 Aug. 6, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2482217   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's a frequent target of intelligence drops - both legit and disinfo. I'm hopeful, don't get me wrong, and it has every likelihood that it is true . . . but I'm going to wait for better sauce before I get my hopes up.