Well said Patriot. Been trying to get the word out and mobilize outside of these shadows. No one can claim being "woke" if we are afraid to talk outside this box. This group of "anons", WE, are NORMAL people! Wake up! Twitter @ridethevote watch the vids from yesterday and July 25th. Thoughts? Motivated to do something? Or are you motivated to tell me to TRUST THE PLAN? What a joke. trust the plan = go to sleep
go back to sleep. ps no one will save you…trust that. Speak out now beyond this shadow or just go away.
go back to sleep
thank god you are here too. We are not afraid to break out of here. we are ready. we are woke.
go back to sleep
this is the plan. Sit and trust.
We have not organized, mobilized. We sit and talk and undermine each other and are afraid…making up rules and this silly little culture. We are weak here in the shadow. Wake up to this.
Trust some plan that is outside our hands.
ps the plan is working.
wow. aren't you a leader worth following. truly inspiring. trust the plan it is working.