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Database of court filings

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There is no electronic filing in England & Wales, and until there is such a database will remain a pipe dream. Generally an application to the court will need to be made in order to view court filings; the rules are contained in the Civil Procedure Rules of England and Wales Part 5 (at time of writing, Oct 2014).


Some services that might help:


Lawtel has a service in the 'Cases' section called 'Pending Actions' where you can search for claims issued in the High Court since January 2010. It is possible to order claim forms for these cases, and where available, particulars of claim. At the time of writing (Oct 2014) the fee for this is £48, on top of the Lawtel subscription.


A subscription to Bloomberg Law, which covers filings in the High Court and some county courts, may suffice - but it is reactive - i.e. you request the documents and someone has to physically go to the court and collect them. Court documents have only been available to non-parties since 2 October 2006, so anything filed before that is not available.