Cold Fusion is a catalytic reaction that depends on the presence of an element that triggers the reaction. Platinum was used originally but rare earth elements work better.
Cold Fusion is not a mysterious thing. We already use it widely every day in the form of BATTERIES and FUEL CELLS.
The physics of batteries and fuel cells and nuclear reactors are far more intimately related than mosty people realize. You need to EXPAND your thinking, ignore the "received knowledge" from authority figures of the past, and look at the data in front of you. Analyze it like any police detective would. The data tells a story and you can thread your way through the incorrect assumptions using LOGIC.
You have to realize that the satanists have been lying to us, deceiving us, and misleading us. CERN is a satanic organization, for instance.
If you are serious about working in this field, learn about TRIZ so that you can see when people are trying to prevent you from investigating a particular corner of the problem that they want to hide from you. Then go back to basics. A good way would be to follow the career of John Trump, and look at the things that he an his colleagues were working on. Where are the lines of scientific inquiry that were shut off prematurely.
If you do this, you will find the real reason that Q is used as the name of the group leading this movement. The Q classification of the DOE is a clue, but it is not the answer. Follow the clue into the DOE and the work that it does, deeply into the DOE, very deeply.